Monday, April 19, 2010

See what happens when you wear cheap sunglasses?

You turn into ZZ Top.

This public service message has been brought to you by the letter Z and

Thursday, April 15, 2010


Hello, Interwebs.

I'm sorry I fell off so hard, but I'm back and in full effect, yo!

And I would like to present, for your disappointment, this gem (from the regretsy archives):
I think she should hook up with Mr. ChainMail. Sure, these are lots of fun - until you run your Hyundai Accent into a telephone pole because you had the edges of your grandma's sitting room pillows gorilla-glued to some busted safety frames.

She didn't even put the studs on evenly.  I had friends in the early '90s that would kick your motherlovin' ass for wasting studs like that!

Jesus H. Macy.  I need a drink.