Saturday, May 30, 2009

There is no excuse.

You know, I wanted to do a special blog, just for theses sunglasses. Growing up in Northern Cali in the '90's, the Oakley M Frame became synonymous with Central Valley rednecks, giant trucks with dooley tires, and crystal methamphetamines. Even the Clampers won't touch this shit. In fact, they're so ugly that a google image search for 'my oakley m frames' brought up SEVEN PAGES before I could find someone with these actually on their face.

I mean, really. I'm all for impact resistance - it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye, right? But come ON. This is out of control! If they don't make hypercolor t-shirts anymore, WHY IN THE HELL are these things still on the market?

Oakley, I'm putting the blame squarely on your easy-to-break, impossible-to-prescript shoulders. Go crawl under whatever rock Jesus Jones is hiding under, and stay there.


Friday, May 8, 2009

for tha homiezz

...aaand I present to you 45 mph couch potato. Ready for a dust storm at Burning Man.


Thursday, May 7, 2009

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

I am not amused.

I don't think I've been this pissed since I realized I might never get a McRibWich again.

This girl is three tanning sessions, two jager bombs and a monroe piercing away from complete douchebagette-ery. I bet her boyfriend has a popped collar and drives a Mustang. And the girl that's been cropped out wishes she was in Forks. God help us all.

I wish I had a half-drunk 40 of Old E in my hand

So I could throw it at this guy.

Ironic dollar-store stunnahs do NOT make up for the fact that you didn't change out of your work shirt before you went to the bar.

Put them down, Captain Earplugs. Put them down.

special edition: installed opthalmics

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.

As an optical professional, I worry about the positioning of the glasses in relation to the eye.

As someone who's had enough metal in the face at one point to look like I'd fallen into a tackle box, I kinda think this is rad.

In a glasses geek kinda way.

Soundgarden hair + chain mail glasses = all bad

Ok, for reals?

Chin length... chain mail... glasses? Five bucks says that this guy writes epic songs while smoking cloves and drinking tea.