I'm not alone!
(Ed. note: I have a pair of actual, real-live VINTAGE B&L Wayfarers, ground scored at a Dave Matthews Band concert. Irony's a bitch, no?)
Check these mothers out.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Saturday, December 12, 2009
GaGag me
So I have to admit that pop music is not so much for me. Don't get me wrong - I like a catchy tune as much as the next person, but nine times out of ten, I just end up singing along in a Cartman voice or changing the lyrics to Slayer songs. So it's not like I'm one of those fashionista types that use words like 'ferosh' or wear ankle boots with peep-toes, you know what I mean?
Also, I think it's a little silly that everyone and their emo half-cousin is wearing glasses designed after something called blinds, but Bjork is STILL getting clowned for that oh-so-awesome swan dress. So I feel that it is time for me to truly bash the queen of horrible eyewear - Lady Gaga herself. I mean, come on.
Nothing says 'I want to put this on my face' more than MOTHERSCRATCHING RAZOR BLADES, right?

Also, I think it's a little silly that everyone and their emo half-cousin is wearing glasses designed after something called blinds, but Bjork is STILL getting clowned for that oh-so-awesome swan dress. So I feel that it is time for me to truly bash the queen of horrible eyewear - Lady Gaga herself. I mean, come on.
Nothing says 'I want to put this on my face' more than MOTHERSCRATCHING RAZOR BLADES, right?
Or maybe 'my shit don't fit'...

Or even better, 'Oooh I think I'll wear these in the sun and see what it looks like when I take these off'.

Over it. Totally and completely over it. People, we NEED to stop trying to look like b-list fame seekers. It's bad enough when you see someone with a Kate Gosselin haircut and Sarah Palin glasses at the same time... but this, people... this has GOT to stop.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Oh, god.
Gimme. Just... gimme.
F'reals... HELLO KITTY CONTACT LENSES!?!?!?!? Yesyesyesyes!! I am full-on 30 years old and will slap these beautiful babies right onto my eyeballs as fast as you can say 'rejuvenile'.
SRSLYTHO. This just made my WHOLE day!
(I know, I'm nuts. But because I went far enough as to train to be an Optician, I feel *completely* justified in wearing all that eyewear shiz most people won't. Mines! These HAVE to be MINES!!!!)
Gimme. Just... gimme.
F'reals... HELLO KITTY CONTACT LENSES!?!?!?!? Yesyesyesyes!! I am full-on 30 years old and will slap these beautiful babies right onto my eyeballs as fast as you can say 'rejuvenile'.
SRSLYTHO. This just made my WHOLE day!
(I know, I'm nuts. But because I went far enough as to train to be an Optician, I feel *completely* justified in wearing all that eyewear shiz most people won't. Mines! These HAVE to be MINES!!!!)
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Please, no. Please, dear god, no.
So today I got an email from a friend of mine... subject line read simply (and in all caps), 'GHASTLY'. I opened it to to find:
Really, people... this? No. No. Please don't make me put these on your face. Or if you do, please make them look like this.
Friday, September 18, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Back up off my chili fries, Ed Hardy

If you're gonna spend THAT MUCH money to buy something that looks like a tattoo... get a f*cking tattoo.
Remember when Von Dutch flashed in the pan? None of you would be caught DEAD wearing it now. But Christian Audigier, the guy with his name splashed RIGHT UNDERNEATH Ed Hardy's on all that crap? Well... I hate to break it to you, but it's the same guy.
Back up off my style, hoochies. Put your bangs back down. Dear god, DO NOT wear Apple Bottom jeans with a five-inch cuff. And STOP PRETENDING THAT BUYING A $300 SHIRT WITH TATTOO CRAP BEDAZZLED ON IT IS THE SAME AS GETTING A F*CKING TATTOO. I've sat through twenty-plus hours of bleeding pain so far, and my half-sleeve isn't even done yet! It's not the same as walking outside of Nordie's so you can get cell reception to beg your mom to let you put that oversized shoulderbag on her AmEx. I promise.
And no, that one-color tramp stamp doesn't count.
You're just going through a phase. Put the Ed Hardy down and go back to Banana Republic.
(And Christian Audigier... unless you have a WICKED back piece under that overpriced t-shirt with your effing name on it.... you have some 'splaining to do.)
I hate your sunglasses: sore loser edition (or, do YOU like fishsticks?)

So I've already ranted about the miniblinds sunglasses fad... please excuse me for a minute while I reiterate how lame both the sunglasses, and the guy that restarted the fad, are.
I remember thinking those things were SO cool... in 1986. Then I put a pair on.
I was 6, and I knew better.
I mean, really. They serve NO purpose. People can still see your eyes. There's no UV protection. No impact resistance. No light blocked. No glare reduction.
In other words, about as useless as Kanye himself.
I mean, really. This a-hat had to pull a microphone from a SEVENTEEN YEAR OLD GIRL'S hands... to complain that Beyonce didn't win... even though Beyonce was nominated for, and proceeded to win, a completely different award? Please. Really... look at the picture above. He reminds me of that old Chris Rock bit about Jermaine Jackson's greezy self. Plus, it looks like he covered himself in cornstarch or something. He's like the Ron Jeremy of hip-hop... somehow, he made it big, but he's still so gross and sticky-looking that one has to wonder how in the hell he even got there in the first place. Sure, I personally think that the music made by all three is pap (don't even get me STARTED on 'Put a Ring On It), but a lot of people are into that garbage, and Taylor Swift must have made some good garbage, to win that award. So why not let her win? (Not to mention... WTF, Kanye? What do you have to do with ANY of this? If I knew you, I SO wouldn't invite you to my birthday party... you'd probably push me over to blow out the candles before I got to them.)
It's obvious enough (from this ugly-glasses-polo-shirt-gee-I'm-a-dick fad) that young people are going to imitate him. So why publicly humiliate someone who worked hard to earn some recognition? I'm sure even bad press is good press... or something. But demeaning Taylor Swift on a music award show that I'm pretty sure even God tiVo'd was a little out of control. Way to be a role model.
But... big kudos to Beyonce for giving Taylor her moment in the sun.
So, to end a ramble with no other point than to say, Yo, Kanye, you a dick... Yo, Kanye. You a dick!
I hope your retinas detach.
Saturday, May 30, 2009
There is no excuse.

You know, I wanted to do a special blog, just for theses sunglasses. Growing up in Northern Cali in the '90's, the Oakley M Frame became synonymous with Central Valley rednecks, giant trucks with dooley tires, and crystal methamphetamines. Even the Clampers won't touch this shit. In fact, they're so ugly that a google image search for 'my oakley m frames' brought up SEVEN PAGES before I could find someone with these actually on their face.
I mean, really. I'm all for impact resistance - it's all fun and games until someone loses an eye, right? But come ON. This is out of control! If they don't make hypercolor t-shirts anymore, WHY IN THE HELL are these things still on the market?
Oakley, I'm putting the blame squarely on your easy-to-break, impossible-to-prescript shoulders. Go crawl under whatever rock Jesus Jones is hiding under, and stay there.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Wednesday, May 6, 2009
I am not amused.

I don't think I've been this pissed since I realized I might never get a McRibWich again.
This girl is three tanning sessions, two jager bombs and a monroe piercing away from complete douchebagette-ery. I bet her boyfriend has a popped collar and drives a Mustang. And the girl that's been cropped out wishes she was in Forks. God help us all.
I wish I had a half-drunk 40 of Old E in my hand
special edition: installed opthalmics

I don't know whether to laugh or cry.
As an optical professional, I worry about the positioning of the glasses in relation to the eye.
As someone who's had enough metal in the face at one point to look like I'd fallen into a tackle box, I kinda think this is rad.
In a glasses geek kinda way.
Soundgarden hair + chain mail glasses = all bad
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
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